The 2022-2023 competition season robust participation across Popular and Eastern Cup Competition. Popular Racing saw significant growth with 2247 race finishes by adults, with 925 unique participants throughout the season. Many events also hosted BKL events in conjunction which bolstered event numbers. NENSA is committed to continuing to bolster support for these inclusive events. The Eastern Cup saw nearly 2500 skiers, the second most attended on record, and with the likelihood of combining at least one SuperTour into the schedule 2023-2024 could rival the high mark of the 2022 season.
Popular Race Bids:
NENSA will once again offer two tiers of Popular Race calendaring for 2023-2024. Last season, with increased NENSA support and media we saw 13 of the 19 races on the calendar reach over 100 participants. Over 160 clubs were listed throughout the winter. NENSA staff is thankful for the many event organizers and clubs that make this Series such a success, even when winter wasn’t cooperating in the first half of the season. Our goal for 2023-2024 will be to continue to incentivize participation through advanced calendaring, promotion, Club and Zak Cup rankings. We will again place the Popular Races Series as the core of the NENSA calendar.
Venues interested in having their event(s) named to NENSA’s Zak Cup, Club Cup, and/or New England Marathon Series should complete this form by May 1st. Early submissions are encouraged so we can help shape a calendar that minimizes event overlaps.
Link to detailed Popular Race information. (Zak/Club and Marathon)
Direct link to Popular Race Bid Sheet.
Detailed information for Event Organizers including anticipated dates for major events.
Eastern Cup Race Bids:
Please note Eastern Cup and SuperTour bidding is open and closes at the beginning of May. Eastern Cup scheduling is determined by the Athletic Development Committee. There is ongoing discussion of the National SuperTour calendar which will be stamped at USSS Congress the second week of May — after this point NENSA will release our Eastern Cup schedule for 2023-2024.
Direct link to Eastern Cup Bid Sheet
For those intending to host an Eastern Cup or Major Championship NENSA requires sending a representative to attend the TD / Event Organizer Clinic, typically held during September or the first weekend of December. All other race organizers are encouraged and welcome to attend. We will be make this date public in the coming weeks.
For Eastern Cup, Zak/Club and Marathon questions:
Thanks for making your bids early and we look forward to planning next years events with you!